Ok, so the fist section of the new layout is finished. Ish.
After numerous tweaks and adjustments, I'm happy with what I've got. I've managed to bury a 9v controller in the back left of the section, you can just about make it out, it's the black "blob" in that corner above. It's completely out of sight in the second pic.
Building involved making sure that on both levels there weren't going to be any collisions between trains and bits of greenery, the proof will eventually be in the running of trains for the first time but that's a way down the track. Currently, the back of the section is open so I can get a hand in to remove derailed trains etc, and for the curious, my estimate is that there are about 3,500 green bricks in there....
I've started work on the next section, making sure that it will line up with this, and now the real challenges start, as the wiring, lighting, signalling and points are appearing. I'll add updates occasionally as it progresses, and this first section will only really be "finished" when the bridge that is key to carrying the track is ready to go on the next section and a little bit can be added to the edges of this one. But that's another journey!
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