Sunday, 21 June 2020

Making Plans. And Changing Them.

 Each new layout comes with a plan. Often, several plans, before I settle on the final design. Everyone builds differently - some people only buy and build sets, following the instructions exactly and never taking them apart. Others use pictures to guide them, some just make it up as they go along.

Over the years I've found it really, really helpful to be able to plan out my railroad layouts ahead of time,and for this Bluebrick is really helpful, allowing me to keep count of how many track sections I've used/got left over. As I have tracks form 2 different, old systems Lego used, and 9 trains to fit in, I always now build on 2 levels. The pics on the left show the lower and upper levels and then the combined image which helps me work out where I'll need to put bridges and things.

It doesn't have all the details in, but does have what I need. However, as I start building I realise changes need to be made in some places. They're usually small, but not always. I'm in the early stages of building this and have already made a few changes to the plan.

In life, we need to be able to change and adapt as well. Things happen we didn't plan for, and with God's help, it's possible to adjust to them. And if we really mess up, God will help us take the pieces and put them back together. Not always the way they were, but a new combinations, a new way of being.

This layout has exactly the same number of track pieces as my last one, but looks very different. I'm the same person I was 5, 10 years ago, but God has reshaped my personality and my actions to be quite different, and I hope he'll continue to do that to make me more like him over the years to come. In the meantime, it's time for Kids Camp, so let's sit back and enjoy some building!

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